The Political Discussion Group meets every month, usually on a Friday evening at 7.30pm-9pm.
We meet at Churchill House, Chobham Road in the upstairs room, and we usually have at least 20 people and sometimes more, drawing from an occasional group membership of over 60 people. We're very friendly to newcomers and always offer free tea, coffee and biscuits!
Our speakers are usually members of the group, which gives those who want to practise their public speaking a chance to have a go. The speaker introduces the rest of the group to a topic of their choice for 20-30 minutes, then everyone is encouraged to ask questions, discuss and debate for the remainder of the time. Our chairman always keeps the discussion polite even when it gets heated!
Recent topics have included: Global Warming, "Can Conservatives believe in Equality?" and Change & the British Constitution.
The events are always free and open to everyone - members or not - so please bring along your friends and family, or come alone. We will usually go to the Wheatsheaf pub on Chobham Road after the event, from about 9pm, where we generally get a good turnout for a drink or two, and the conversation gets more informal.
The idea of the Political Discussion Group is to have an enjoyable evening. If you'd like to be added to our e-mailing list, we will remind you every month of our next event. Just call the office or send an email to ask to be added.
We are also always looking for those interested in introducing a topic (either your pet subject, or something you feel like researching a little). It's more fun when we get a mix of people speaking on topics they're interested in. Get in touch with the office to suggest a topic or volunteer to speak.