I want to protect and preserve all our green spaces for future generations, and those that have green belt designation should retain that protection. I am making strong representations to the Inspector about the land adjacent to West Hall and our green spaces in Byfleet and I urge residents and local organisations to make equally robust submissions to the Inspector during the current consultation period.
Unfortunately, as MP, I have no formal decision making role whatsoever in this process, but I will be doing my utmost to support residents and the Residents’ Association every step of the way. I was very honoured to present a petition to Parliament on behalf of residents about these matters a little while ago, and the arguments made then are still entirely relevant.
It is very important that we get our submissions into the Main Modifications Consultation, which must be received by 5pm on Monday 16th November 2020. Representations can be submitted by:
1. Email: [email protected] (this is preferred)
2. Post to: Planning Policy Team, Woking Borough Council, Gloucester Square, Woking GU21 6YL For full details, including response forms in a choice of two different formats, please see: https://www.woking2027.info/allocations/sadpdexam/mmconsultation.
Please be assured of my continued and positive support on these hugely important local matters.
The Chair of the Byfleet, West Byfleet and Pyrford Residents' Association, Stewart Dick, commented:
"In our determined efforts to protect threatened Green Belt in both Byfleet and West Byfleet we are very grateful to our Member of Parliament, Jonathan Lord, for his valued advice and steadfast support. He has assured us that he will continue to lobby both the Inspector and, if necessary, the Minister on our behalf."